

Obesity and Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis and Obesity are two health conditions that are closely connected. Obesity is a leading risk factor for osteoarthritis, which
obesity hormonal cancers
Yes, you read that right, obesity can be a cause of hormonal cancers, although obesity comes with many diseases, metabolic
With the advances in medical science you can lose that extra fat with a simple surgery, which is popularly known
मोटापा और ऑस्टियोआर्थराइटिस दो स्वास्थ्य स्थितियां हैं जो घने तौर पर जुड़ी हुई हैं। मोटापा ऑस्टियोआर्थराइटिस के लिए अग्रणी जोखिम
जी हां, आपने सही पढ़ा, हालांकि मोटापा कई बीमारियों के साथ आता है, लेकिन मेटाबॉलिक कैंसर इसका एक हिस्सा है।
मोटापा एक ऐसी बीमारी है जो या तो अधिक खपत या कैलोरी के कम उपयोग के कारण होती है। यहां
With the advances in medical science you can lose that extra fat with a simple surgery, which is popularly known
A 42-year-old, Delhi based, House wife, weighing 156 kg, walked into the Weight Loss Clinic for a weight loss consultation.
On a recent CBS Evening News Report, the claim was made that 50% of Americans are overweight and that more
More than 70% of women who are infertile as the result of body weight disorders will conceive spontaneously if their
Obesity-related changes in the Stomach and Esophagus (food pipe) contribute to an explanation for this association. Obese people are at

BMI Calculator

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