

For Bariatric Surgery Patients must have a Body Mass Index greater than 35 without associated Diabetes / Hypertension or BMI 27.5 with associated co morbidities. However, patients who weigh less than this may be considered for surgery as per new IDF (International Diabetes Federation) guidelines for Asians.

Candidate must have diagnosed type II Diabetes Mellitus which is not controlled with medicines and lifestyle changes with BMI of 27.5, there is evidence of organ damage in the form of neuropathy or kidney disease, there must be sufficient insulin reserves on Investigations.

Mild form of obesity can be treated with Diet, Exercise & Medication, however for people who are severely obese after conventional approaches to weight loss such as diet and exercise – have failed, or for patients who have obesity – related disease, surgery may be the best treatment option.

No, not covered in insurance but covered under CGHS scheme.

The Results of bariatric surgery are long term, studies performed at various bariatric surgical centers concluded that after Bariatric surgery most of the individuals suffering from morbid obesity can maintain more than 50 % of the excess weight loss and among these individuals most of those who are suffering from super super morbid obesity are able to achieve more than 50 % of the excess weight loss.

Most of our patients go home in 2 to 3 days after surgery. Some patients may need 1 or 2 more days depending on their presurgical comorbidities.

Almost immediately after surgery doctors will require you to get up and move about. Patients are asked to walk or stand at the bedside on the night of surgery, take several walks the next day and thereafter. On leaving the hospital, you may be able to care for all your personal needs, but will need help with shopping, lifting and with transportation.

Yes, You can return to work and resume normal activities, but heavily lifting of weight should not be performed.

Right away! You will take gentle, short walks even while you are in the hospital. The key is to start slow. Listen to your body and your surgeon. If you lift weights or do sports, stay “low impact” for the first month (avoid competition, think participation). Build slowly over several weeks. If you swim, your wounds need to be healed over before you get back in the water.

Yes, you can get pregnant after 2 years of your surgery.

Some hair loss is common between 3 and 6 months but it’ll get back after intaking adequate amount of protein , vitamin and minerals.

Various research papers published found that those who are affected by morbid obesity and have undergone bariatric surgery are at a lower risk of death then those who do not have surgery.

In addition to improvements in health and longevity, surgical weight-loss improves overall quality of life. Measures of quality of life that are positively affected by bariatric surgery include physical functions such as mobility, self-esteem, work, social interactions, and sexual function. Singlehood is significantly reduced, as is unemployment and disability. Furthermore, depression and anxiety are significantly reduced following bariatric surgery.

Diet chart will be provided to you as per your body requirements after bariatric and metabolic surgery. All your queries will be answered.


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